CALL Bulletin #228, Summer 2013 now posted!

Dear Colleagues,

As we ease into summer, we wrap up another year for CALL and the CALL Bulletin. The summer issue of the Bulletin, available here:  features  Pam Cipkowski’s summary of the AALL Management Institute, which not only serves as an illustration of what this annual program provides, but also as an example of the importance of CALL grants to the professional development of our membership. If the Institute sounds interesting to you, take Pam’s advice and apply for a CALL grant!

What does “public relations” mean to you? Deborah Rusin provides her perspective that this question is not only important to our institutions, but also to each of us as individuals. And, Gail Hartzell provides an introduction to Cardinal IP, the sponsor of CALL’s February Business Meeting.

This issue marks the end of Margaret Schilt’s tenure as Co-Editor of the CALL Bulletin; she shares her parting thoughts in this issue’s Editors’ Column as she prepares to embark on new and exciting adventures as CALL Vice President/President-Elect. And Kevin McClure sings his swan song in praise of the Community Service Committee as outgoing committee co-chair.  He remains as Co-Editor of the Bulletin, as we welcome Lyonette Louis-Jacques as Co-Editor going forward.

Enjoy summer, and the Summer issue of the Bulletin!

Margaret Schilt and Kevin McClure, Co-Editors

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