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The AALL 2015 Supplement to the CALL Bulletin is published!
The CALL Bulletin and Public Relations committees did something exciting this past July – we live-blogged the AALL annual meeting! And you get a chance to experience for the first time or all over again via this special “AALL …
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CALL Bulletin Issue No. 234, Winter 2015, is now published!
The new issue of the CALL Bulletin is chockfull of interesting reads. All Bulletin Committee members contributed pieces, including new members, Emily Barney and Scott Vanderlin. Thanks to them and other CALL members, we have pieces on empirical legal studies, …
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The Fall 2014 issue of the CALL Bulletin is published! And it’s in a new format!
Thanks to the hard work of Emily Barney, Debbie Ginsberg, and Kevin McClure, the CALL Bulletin is now available in a new format! With a new webpage! Visit and prepare to be wowed. The Fall 2014 issue is published …
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