Archives Committee gathers, maintains and organizes collection of documents generated by CALL committees and Board members.
Bulletin Committee produces 4 issues of the CALL Bulletin each year. Members serve as editor(s), advertising manager, and column editors, and participate in AALL’s Council of Chapter Newsletter Editors (CONE) group.
Community Service Committee identifies appropriate areas for community service and coordinates opportunities for CALL members to volunteer time or make donations to worthwhile organizations including donation collections at each business meeting.
Continuing Education Committee plans and presents at least four educational programs each year. Members may work with other CALL committees on program planning.
Diversity and Inclusion Committee serves to ensure the diversity of CALL membership.
Government Relations Committee keeps apprised of library-related government activity and provides information to the CALL community. In particular, stays informed of the work of the AALL Government Relations Committee and the Washington Affairs Office.
Grants & Chapter Awards Committee selects grant recipients based on established criteria for CALL members to attend professional meetings and selects recipients of the chapter awards.
Meetings Committee makes all arrangements for CALL’s business meetings, including site selection, registration, menu planning, and publicity.
Membership Committee processes applications, welcomes new members at CALL functions, and has responsibility for producing the annual CALL Membership Directory and updating it on a quarterly basis online.
Mentorship and Leadership Development Committee greets new members, coordinates mentors for newer members of CALL, organizes leadership events and works with committee chairs to recruit members for committee service.
Nominations and Elections Committee prepares the slate of candidates for the annual Board election, sets up the electronic ballot, oversees online voting, and reports election results to the CALL president.
Placement & Recruitment Committee tracks and publicizes current job opportunities in the 7th Circuit region and contacts potential employers in the legal and business communities. Promotes law librarianship through networking with library schools, law schools and colleges, and by serving as a referral service.
Public Relations Committee maintains the CALL Website and Discussion forum; evaluates and recommends changes for improvements; uses a variety of methods to inform the legal and library communities about CALL, and law librarianship including submitting membership and other CALL news to AALL, and other appropriate organizations, and taking photos at CALL events. Coordinates and plans, with the Vice President/President-Elect, the CALL activities table display in the exhibit hall at the AALL Annual Meeting.