CALL Grants Available

Thinking about traveling to Boston next summer for the AALL annual meeting?  Maybe there is an educational program a little closer to home that piques your interest?  In either case, it is not too early to apply for a CALL Grant.

CALL grants are available to CALL members throughout the year and may be used for the AALL Annual Meeting or other types of continuing professional education programs.  This year, CALL is offering two grants for the AALL Annual Meeting.  Two grants of up to $1500 will be awarded for the AALL Annual Meeting.  Additional grants are available (up to $1000) for other educational programs throughout the year.  Please consider taking advantage of this opportunity today!

To apply for a CALL grant, you will need to fill out the Grants Application Form and meet the application deadline of April 15, 2012.  Please send all completed application forms via email to: .  Any questions?  Contact the CALL Grants & Awards Committee Chair, Heidi Frostestad Kuehl, at or 312.503.4725.

We’ll look forward to receiving your CALL Grant application!

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