2011-2012 CALL Chapter Awards Announced

From Heidi Frostestad Kuehl, Chair, 2011-2012 CALL Grants and Chapter Awards Committee:

On behalf of the CALL Grants and Chapter Awards Committee, I am pleased to announce this year’s CALL Award recipients.

There are two recipients for the prestigious CALL Lifetime Achievement in Law Librarianship Award.  Two awards for Lifetime Achievement will be presented to Judith Gaskell and Susan Siebers.

This year’s Agnes and Harvey Reid Award for Outstanding Contribution to Law Librarianship is Sharon Nelson, Northern Illinois University College of Law.

The Award for Outstanding In-House Publication will be presented to the IIT Downtown Campus Law Library (Chicago-Kent) for its QR Code sign series and Administrative Law video.

All awards will be presented at the Wednesday, May 16th CALL Business Meeting.  Please join the Committee with a hearty congratulations for this year’s Award recipients!

Permanent link to this article: https://chicagolawlib.org/blog/2012/04/23/2011-2012-call-chapter-awards-announced/