From the AALL Government Relations Office:
Last week, the Senate Appropriations Committee reported out its Legislative Branch appropriations bill (H.R. 5882). The Senate appropriations mark set Library of Congress funding was set at $592.2 million, an increase of 0.8% above the fiscal year 2012 enacted level. The Government Printing Office (GPO) was appropriated $126.2 million, equal to the 2012 enacted level and GPO’s request. See our update Library of Congress and GPO Appropriations Charts for details of the Senate committee mark.
IL Senators Dick Durbin and Mark Kirk are both members of the Senate Appropriations Committee. Please use the Legislative Action Center to thank and urge them support full funding for the Library of Congress and GPO if the bill goes to conference. If you live outside of IL and your Senators are not appropriators, urge them to vote in favor of the bill on the Senate floor. If your Representative is on the House Appropriations Committee, please ask him/her to support full funding in the conference. The Legislative Action Center will automatically tailor your message to the appropriate audience group. We just need you to customize and send it!