Cozy up with the Fall Issue of the CALL Bulletin as you enjoy your pumpkin flavored sweets and treats. You can find the latest WordPress version here and the PDF version here. This is a great read as you head to the MAALL Conference in Kansas City this weekend. Our Committee Roundup section will fill you in on what our committees have been working on. You will also meet some new CALL Members: LeighAnne Thompson, Stacia Stein and Heather Hummons. You will learn about Law Firm Current Awareness Resources and the 2015 AALL Hackathon and much much more!
As always, we are looking for articles and ideas from YOU! Our next issue is our Winter 2016 Chicago International theme. The article submission deadline is November 15, 2015. Feel free to send articles to any one of the Co-Editors of the Bulletin: Lyo, Lindsey or Scott.
Lyonette Louis-Jacques
Lindsey Ann Carpino
Scott Vanderlin