CALL Grants and Chapter Awards: 2015-2016

Grant Recipients for 2015-2016:

Eugene Giudice, for the AALL Business Skills Research Clinic in October, 2015

Clare Willis, for the AALL Leadership Academy in April, 2016

Debra Denslaw, recommended for the AALL Chapter Grant for the AALL Annual Meeting in July

Heidi Kuehl, Annie Mentkowski, and Matthew Timko, for the AALL Annual Meeting in July, 2016

Bill Schwesig, for Yale Law Library’s Rare Book School in June, 2016


Chapter Awards for 2015-2016

The Award for Outstanding In-House Publication is given to the William J. Campbell Library of the U.S. Courts, 7th Circuit, for their publication: the Daily Headlines E-Mail.

The Agnes and Harvey Reid Award for Outstanding Contribution to Law Librarianship is awarded to Gretchen Van Dam for her outstanding service to CALL and her contributions to law librarianship.  Gretchen has an impressive record of service to both AALL and to CALL.  She has chaired 3 AALL Committees, and served as CALL’s President in 2009-2010.  She has generously volunteered her time and talents as a speaker for AALL programs and CALL events, and is a mentor to a generation of law librarians.

The Award for Outstanding Lifetime Achievement in Law Librarianship is given to a librarian who has made an outstanding contribution to the Chicago law library community either through provision of outstanding levels of service to that community directly or through CALL during the course of their career.  The Award for Outstanding Lifetime Achievement in 2015-16 is given to Barry Herbert and Sally Holterhoff.

Barry Herbert has been an active participant in CALL for over 30 years, serving on many committees and as Treasurer of CALL from 2012-2014.  As Deputy Circuit Librarian at the Library of U.S. Courts of the Seventh Circuit, he has been a strong and important voice in representing the value of law librarians to the federal judiciary.

Sally Holterhoff has been an active member of CALL and AALL over her 35 years of law librarianship.  Sally is a past AALL president and served two terms as an AALL Executive Board member.  She also served two terms as a member of the Depository Library Council to the Public Printer, including a year as secretary; was AALL’s representative to the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) from 2011 to 2014; and is a member of the Standing Committee of the IFLA Section on Law Libraries. In 2014, she received AALL’s Robert L. Oakley Advocacy Award and Valparaiso University School of Law’s Distinguished Faculty Award.  In 2015 Sally received the Marian Gould Gallagher Distinguished Service Award and is also a member of the AALL Hall of Fame.

Congratulations to CALL Grant and Chapter Award recipients!

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