November Community Service

For our November 8th business meeting, CALL’s Community Service Committee will collect donations to benefit Chicago’s A Safe Haven,​, which offers veterans housing based on individual need, assessment, and eligibility, and supportive services. The goal of A Safe Haven is “to achieve successful reintegration into the community, sustainable self-sufficiency and permanent independent affordable housing, with pride and purpose restored.”

If you would like to make a monetary contribution, please plan to bring something extra to drop into our donation canisters at next week’s meeting. You also can make a monetary contribution online at If you contribute online, please fill out the “notify someone about your contribution” section of the form so we can track donations and enter the following contact information:

Nan Norton
Loyola University Chicago
School of Law
25 East Pearson
Chicago, Illinois 60611

If you prefer to make an in-kind donation, we are collecting the the following items at the November 8th meeting.

Linens: Pillowcases (white), Twin sheets (white), Twin fitted sheets (white), Towels (white), Washcloths (white)

Toiletries: Shampoo, Conditioner, Soap/Body wash, Lotion, Razors, Feminine products, Shaving cream (men), Toothpaste, Toothbrushes, Deodorant

Baby items: Bottles, Formula, Diapers, Baby wipes, Baby shampoo/wash, Crib sheets (white)

Clothing (all must be new with tags in order to be accepted): Dress shoes (men and women), Interview-wear, Socks, Underwear, Seasonal clothing (i.e. hats, gloves, scarves for winter)

See A Safe Haven’s website for a full list of needed items,

Thank you!

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