The CALL Continuing Education Committee Presents: Roundtable on Engaging Active Learning in the Classroom

What: Are you interested in making your teaching more effective and more lively? Join us for a roundtable gathering on active learning techniques for use in the classroom, in workshops, or wherever librarians find themselves teaching. In small groups, participants will discuss and critique a few proven active learning techniques and have an opportunity to share their own unique experiences. The event will conclude with a structured conversation among all participants. Attendees will leave with at least four to five new techniques, tips for implementation in your library from fellow teachers, and receive a deck of other active learning techniques for future use.

When: Tuesday, February 26th, 12 p.m. to 1 p.m.

Where:  Neal, Gerber & Eisenberg LLP, 2 N. LaSalle St. Suite 1700, Chicago IL


Clare Willis
Research & Instructional Services Librarian
Pritzker Legal Research Center, Northwestern University School of Law

Lisa Winkler
Clinical Services Librarian
Pritzker Legal Research Center, Northwestern University School of Law

Audience: This roundtable will benefit any CALL member who teaches or trains in classrooms, workshops, or anywhere else and is interested in making their teaching more effective.

Cost: $5. Lunch and beverages will be provided. Cash or check will be collected at the event. Please note on the registration form if you require a vegetarian lunch.

Registration: Seating is limited to 20 participants.

Registration Link:

Please note that CALL’s no-show policy will apply for this event.
CALL No Show and No Walk in Policies for Business Meetings

Registration ends Friday, February 22nd.

For more information, please contact Clare Willis (presenter) or Tom Keefe (Continuing Education).

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