Want to see the Court Museum in the Dirksen Courthouse and hear a lecture on Saving – and Displaying – Your Organization’s History Lessons from the Federal Court Historical Association & Museum?
Join us on Tuesday, October 1st at 3;30 to see the facility and hear Gretchen Van Dam speak. Details on her talk are below. After the event those who want can walk over to Revival Food Hall for an informal networking event. Space in the Courthouse is limited so please RSVP to Mandy Lee at mlee19@kentlaw.iit.edu
Hope to see you there.
Many organizations are now considering how to capture and highlight their own history and notable accomplishments. This may range from a small lobby display to a dedicated space with exhibits and videos. Are you considering digital archives, saving memorabilia, dedicated history web site, oral histories of notable partners or professors? N.D. Illinois Court Historical Association VP and Archivist Gretchen Van Dam will discuss how the court’s historical association went from a luncheon get together group to a 501(c)(3) non-profit with a dedicated museum space and the lessons learned from that journey. Then spend some time touring the Court History Museum!