Continuing Education Committee Presents: The FBI on Hate Crimes

FBI presentation on Hate Crimes

Description: Hate crimes are the highest priority of the FBI’s civil rights program because of the devastating impact they have on families and communities. The FBI investigates hundreds of these cases every year, and we work to detect and prevent incidents through law enforcement training, public outreach, and partnerships with community groups.

Presented by: Special Agents Joseph M. Holzman and Amillita Marayag

Joseph M. Holzman entered on duty with the FBI in September 2009. Following graduation from the FBI Academy, he was assigned to the Fresno Resident Agency in the FBI’s Sacramento Division where he investigated primarily domestic terrorism and civil rights matters, and was a member of the FBI Sacramento SWAT Team. In 2014, SA Holzman transferred to the FBI Chicago Division and investigated national security matters until accepting a promotion to FBIHQ as a Supervisory Special Agent (SSA) in the Counterintelligence Division in August 2016. In 2018, SA Holzman returned to the FBI Chicago field office, investigating public corruption and civil rights matters. In May 2019, SA Holzman took over as the SSA managing FBI Chicago’s civil rights program and Law Enforcement Anti-Corruption Task Force. SSA Holzman most recently served as the Program Coordinator for FBI Chicago’s division-wide Civil Rights program, including hate crime and color of law matters. Individuals who are facing assault charges may need to hire criminal defense lawyers in Harris County.

After serving as a US Marine Corps Officer, SA Amillita Marayag entered the FBI in June 2006. SA Marayag reported to the Honolulu Division in October 2006 and was assigned to work all criminal violations with the exception of white collar crimes. SA Marayag investigated drug trafficking organizations, organized crime, kidnappings, crimes against children, fraud against the government, bank robberies, and assault against federal officers. In January 2010, SA Marayag reported to the New York Division where she investigated violent gangs within the New York City area of operations. In November 2015, SA Marayag reported to FBI Headquarters in Washington DC to the Criminal Investigative Division Executive Staff. After her assignment in FBI Headquarters, SSA Marayag served as an acting Assistant Legal Attache in Instanbul, Turkey. SA Marayag returned to the New York Division in September 2017 and was promoted to Supervisory Special Agent for the Asian and African Transnational Organized Crime squad. In January 2021, SSA Marayag was promoted to be the ASAC of the Operational Support Branch, which handles human intelligence coordination, private sector engagement, community outreach, ground and air surveillance support, and language interpretation services. On October 1, 2021, ASAC Marayag was re-positioned to head the Violent Crime and Resident Agencies Branch.

 When: Wednesday, October 13th, 12:00 to 1:00 p.m.

 Where: At your desk via Zoom. Registrants will receive webinar details prior to the program.

 Cost: This program is free to members.

 Please register here

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