February 2024 Business Meeting
Meeting Date: Thursday, February 22, 2024
Please register here.
Location: Zoom (meeting details to follow)
Time: 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. (Please stay on Zoom after the meeting to network and catch up with CALL friends.)
We will be joined by Justice Aurelia Pucinski and Justice Cynthia Cobbs of the Illinois Appellate Court, First District, who will discuss mental health issues faced by courts. These issues are among the most difficult for reviewing courts to parse out and can run the gamut from commitment hearings being appealed to criminal, family, probate, and domestic violence cases where one or both sides claim some mental health issue to explain or mitigate behavior. In some cases the fact pattern found in the trial court gets great discretion, but in others the reviewing court reviews the issue de novo, considering all the facts presented.
Community Service Project: Greater Chicago Food Depository
Due to the popularity of Saturday packing events at GCFD and the holidays, we are planning this event in connection to our November 2023 Business Meeting. We have reserved 10 spots for a packing event at the Greater Chicago Food Depository on Saturday February 17th from 1:00pm to 3:45pm. You can register for a spot using this link:
In connection with the February Business Meeting, we are working on setting up an event at Cradles 2 Crayons in late April. Watch for details.
Door Prizes: Two gift cards will be raffled during the meeting courtesy of LexisNexis.
Registration ends February 20th.