CALL Bulletin Issue No. 234, Winter 2015, is now published!

Picture of dataThe new issue of the CALL Bulletin is chockfull of interesting reads. All Bulletin Committee members contributed pieces, including new members, Emily Barney and Scott Vanderlin. Thanks to them and other CALL members, we have pieces on empirical legal studies, link rot, Facebook algorithms, text-to-speech/speech-to-text, privacy, and FOIA.

The Winter 2015 issue reproduces CALL’s Resolution of Appreciation to the Illinois Library Association (ILA) for helping pass UELMA in Illinois. It includes reports on several meetings that took place in Chicago – the Mid-American Association of Law Libraries (MAALL) 2014 “Fast Forward” meeting and the American Society of International Law (ASIL) Midyear Meeting and Research Forum. It has announcements about professional development opportunities – the forthcoming AALL Management Institute in Chicago and a call for volunteers from the CALL Placement and Recruitment Committee.

The Bulletin‘s WordPress blog format facilitates reading and sharing individual articles on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. We also publish a PDF version. Check out what’s in the latest Bulletin issue, and pass it on!

CALL Bulletin, Issue No. 234, Winter 2015: Table of Contents

Download the new pdf edition: Issue 234: Winter 2015





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