Category: Business Meeting

Community Service Collection for Feb. 20 CALL Business Meeting

At the February 20th CALL business meeting, the Community Service Committee will be hosting a food drive to benefit the Greater Chicago Food Depository. The Food Depository distributes donated and purchased food through a network of 650 pantries, soup …

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CALL Business Meeting, February 20, 2013 Lawry’s

CALL Business Meeting – February 20, 2013. Meeting Registration

Please use the following link to register:

Lawry’s The Prime Rib
100 East Ontario
Chicago, IL 60611

11:30 am to noon;
Lunch: noon

The Community Service Committee will be …

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Catherine Sanders Reach’s presentation on Information Overload

Catherine Sanders Reach, Director of Law Practice Management & Technology at the Chicago Bar Association, gave a wonderful and very informative presentation on managing information overload at our November Business Meeting.  If you missed it, or want a review,  download

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Support Honor Flight Chicago, and send a vet on the trip of a lifetime

At the CALL business meeting on Thursday, November 15, as part of our Veterans’ Day tribute, the Community Service Committee will collect donations to support Honor Flight Chicago. If you have about ten minutes to spare, this video, …

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