Kane County Law Library and Self Help Legal Center – Library Assistant

Employer Name: Kane County Law Library and Self Help Legal Center

URL: https://www.countyofkane.org/pages/employment.aspx

Position Title: Library Assistant

Position Description

Job summary:

The Kane County Law Library & Self Help Legal Center is seeking a welcoming, forward-facing, service oriented individual with strong technology skills to assist self-represented litigants, the judiciary, attorneys, and court-users in their quest to effectively and efficiently participate in or learn about the legal system.

Essential duties include:

Assisting patrons with electronic filing of court documents (e-filing) and in attending remote (Zoom) court, recruiting and scheduling interpreters and volunteer attorneys for Law Library legal aid programs, answering telephone inquiries, retrieving, recording, processing, and shelving incoming library materials.

Permanent link to this article: https://chicagolawlib.org/blog/2023/09/19/kane-county-law-library-and-self-help-legal-center-library-assistant/